mobilier bureau normes

How to choose office furniture in conformity with regulations?

If you are looking for office furniture that meets the standards, you will find all the information you need here. There are many different norms and certifications related to office furniture, which can make it difficult to choose. In this article, we will explain in detail what is meant by the different standards, labels and certifications, so that you can choose the office furniture that will meet your needs.

What are the main regulations and certifications for office furniture?

Standards for office furniture in Canada are designed to ensure safety, quality and comfort for users. The main standards that govern office furniture are:

  • Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) – This standard covers a wide range of products and requires that all materials and components be tested in order to be certified. The CGSB standard defines performance criteria, including impact resistance, ability to withstand weights up to 500 pounds, seven levels of testing for each product type and additional tests depending on the product type.
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – ISO standards cover a variety of aspects of furniture, including physical and ergonomic safety and environmental requirements. Tests included in this regard may include the environmental effects of the materials used, the energy efficiency of the parts and whether they contribute to improved productivity.
mobilier bureau normes

In addition to this, many manufacturers offer various labels to certify not only quality and reliability but also the environmentally friendly impact they want to put on their products. You can find labels like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association). These labels not only provide assurance of the sustainable origin of the wood, but also of essential features such as scratch resistance and adjustable height for optimal comfort for those who spend a lot of time in front of them.

In Quebec, the standards for office furniture are mainly dictated by the Labour Code, RLRQ-1981, chapter C-27. This code sets out the rules for the layout and installation of various furniture and workstations. For example, it is specified that all furniture installed must be stable and fixed in the chosen location. In addition, the height of tables and chairs must be adapted to the needs of users to ensure an optimal ergonomic sitting position.

How to choose your office furniture?

En dehors des normes et certifications liées à la réglementation, il y a d’autres facteurs que vous devez prendre en compte lors du choix du mobilier de bureau. Les meilleurs fabricants de meubles prennent la santé et la sécurité au sérieux et vont au-delà des exigences légales minimales. Ils présentent des produits de qualité, basés sur des études ergonomiques, optimisés pour une utilisation intensive et une efficacité du travail, mais aussi responsables et respectueux de l’environnement.

Il est également important de s’assurer que le fabricant offre un service après-vente approprié ainsi qu’une garantie appropriée en cas de problème . Il est important de vérifier que le fabricant offre des solutions rapides et efficaces en cas de problèmes d’installation ou de maintenance.

Where can I find office furniture that meets the standards?

You can find it at office furniture solutions specialists, like Unique Mobilier. They only offer products that are compatible with the regulatory requirements mentioned at the beginning of this article. We also know how to install it, or advise on installation, also according to these laws.
Don’t hesitate to contact a Unique Mobilier advisor to get more information on office furniture and workspace design according to the standards. Moreover, they can accompany you in your project in order to obtain a functional and ergonomic space that will offer you the best comfort and productivity.

mobilier bureau normes


When it comes to choosing office furniture, there are many factors to consider. Beyond compliance with safety and health regulations, you should look for furniture that is ergonomically designed for heavy use and is also environmentally friendly. Specialty suppliers like Unique Mobilier offer products that meet these requirements and more, including standards-compliant installation services. For more information on choosing the right office furniture for your needs, contact a Unique Mobilier consultant today.

When it comes to choosing office furniture, there are many factors to consider. Beyond compliance with safety and health regulations, you should look for furniture that is ergonomically designed for heavy use and is also environmentally friendly. Specialty suppliers like Unique Mobilier offer products that meet these requirements and more, including standards-compliant installation services. For more information on choosing the right office furniture for your needs, contact a Unique Mobilier consultant today.

FAQs on office furniture regulations

Does office furniture made in Asia or Europe meet Canadian standards?

It depends on the manufacturer. Products that are manufactured by a supplier certified to CGSB (Canadian General Standards Board) requirements or only CSA (Canadian Standard Association) requirements comply with Canadian standards. Products that do not follow these guidelines may not meet Canadian standards, even if they meet more stringent standards set by other international organizations such as BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association).
Companies using Asian or European suppliers must ensure that the equipment they purchase meets Canadian standards, including sections 11 to 16 of the CGSB. These sections cover several areas, including furniture structure, ergonomics, durability and stability. In addition, BIFMA certification is required to obtain Canadian approval and to ensure that the furniture purchased meets the rules of use and the health and safety code admissible in Canada.
In addition, the material used to design the office furniture must be considered because even if it meets Canadian General Standards Board or Canadian Standard Association standards, it must be environmentally safe and ethically sourced. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification provides additional assurance of the responsible origin of the raw materials used to manufacture office furniture to promote sustainable forest management and responsible use of natural resources.

Does the office furniture meet the requirements of ergonomists?

Office furniture must meet the requirements of ergonomists to provide a healthier and safer workspace. Companies that supply office furniture must comply with specific standards set by government and federal authorities on ergonomics and occupational health and safety. These standards are designed to ensure that equipment is adapted to the needs of users, including people with disabilities.